We have had a very busy football week. Three teams; Under 10s, Under 11s and the Girls football teams were all in action. Mrs Malcolmson has been very pleased with their playing, teamwork and sportsmanship.
RISENI Breathe Programme
P6 really enjoyed their first session of the 'breathe' programme provided by RISENI. It is a 4-week programme to help them learn to relax, stay calm, deal with worries and managing their thoughts and feelings. Lesson 1 was called Puppy Training.
Candy Houses
It's time of the year again, P1 have read the story of 'Hansel and Gretel' and were set a home project of making their own house made with sweets. The houses are absolutely fabulous - well done to all the children (and the very creative mums and dads) who have worked so hard at home.
What's coming up next week...
Monday 3rd February - Online Safety week
Thursday 6th February - Half term disco
Friday 7th February - Mrs Hanna's last day
Key Dates
Monday 10th February - Half term, school closed all week
Tuesday 18th February - P1 and Nursery Health Appraisals
Wednesday 19th - Friday 21st February - P6 at Delamont
Thursday 20th February - Post Primary portal closes